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Movement of La Peña del Bronx.
[Libro] Introducción al poder popular. "El sueño de una cosa"

Nación Mapuche. Los weichafe Héctor y Ernesto Llaitul enfrentan el fallo condenatorio del TOP de Los Ángeles, reivindicando a la CAM y advirtiendo que la lucha mapuche va a continuar
By Resumen Latinoamericano on 6 noviembre, 2023
Resumen Latinoamericano, 6 de noviembre de 2023
El pasado sábado 4 de noviembre el Tribunal Oral en lo Penal de Los Ángeles emitió veredicto condenatorio en contra de los weichafe de la CAM Ernesto Llaitul Pezoa, Esteban Henríquez, Roberto Villouta, Ricardo Delgado, fueron condenados como coautores de los delitos de incendio y homicidio frustrado. Así también se condenó a Eduardo Cornejo como cómplice de los incendios.
Los cinco condenados fueron juzgados por su supuesta participación en un ataque incendiario ocurrido el 9 de noviembre de 2021 en las cercanías del salto del Laja, sector Paraguay, Provincia de Biobío, donde habrían quemado un camión e intentado quemar otros dos en el fundo “Punta Arenas”. Tal acción habría revestido características de homicidio frustrado respecto de los conductores de los vehículos respectivos.
Terminada la lectura del veredicto se dio inicio a la audiencia de discusión de las circunstancias modificadoras de responsabilidad penal. En ella el Ministerio Público y el abogado del Ministerio del Interior —que sustenta la acción penal deducida por el Gobierno— pidieron la aplicación de las más altas penas que importan 15 años para los coautores y de 5 años para el cómplice Eduardo Cornejo. Esto supone que tales penas habrán de cumplirse con presidio efectivo, salvo la de Cornejo por tratarse de presidio menor. Las defensas de los ahora condenados esgrimieron argumentos tendientes a rebajar tales penas de forma que abonando el año que ya han estado privados de libertad, en definitiva, se les tengan por cumplidas tales penas.
La lectura del fallo —en el que se conocerán las penas concretas aplicables en el caso— quedó fijada para el próximo 16 de noviembre. Sin embargo en la argumentación de motivos, el veredicto —leído por la jueza Marisol Panes— permite anticipar que se hará lugar a lo requerido por el Ministerio Público y el Gobierno querellante en lo concerniente también a las penas. Primero porque se tuvieron por establecidos los hechos en que se sustentó la acción penal de forma completa, en circunstancias que no existe ninguna prueba que ubique a los militantes de la CAM en el lugar de los hechos. No hay testigos, ni vestigios genéticos, ni georeferenciaciones de los teléfonos celulares que permitan arribar a esta conclusión. Violentando la presunción de inocencia, el veredicto se afirma en un sistema de presunciones reveladoras de un prejuicio de los juzgadores con respecto a los imputados. Es más, explícitamente el veredicto pondera la militancia en la CAM de los imputados para cubrir los enormes vacíos probatorios en que se apoya la decisión de condena.
Estamos en presencia de un fallo paradigmático del llamado Derecho Penal de autor o del enemigo. El Tribunal Oral en lo Penal de Los Ángeles no juzgó hechos —que no resultaron probados— sino que se dispuso a condenar a los weichafe por su calidad de militantes de la CAM. Es esa calidad militante la que se persigue y no los hechos ocurridos.
Estos hechos fueron denunciados en la misma jornada tanto por Ernesto Llaitul al término de la audiencia en la que se encontraba y desde el penal de El Manzano, por el máximo referente de la CAM, Héctor Llaitul. Ambas alocuciones reafirman el compromiso militante de los encarcelados a redoblar sus fuerzas por la causa de la liberación del pueblo nación Mapuche.
En efecto, terminada la audiencia —en ejercicio de su derecho— Ernesto Llaitul hizo uso de la palabra reivindicando su militancia y subrayando el carácter farsesco de todo el proceso seguida en su contra y la de sus compañeros. Indicó que «Primero quiero dejar en claro que desde temprana edad he sido objeto de la persecución política del Estado, toda vez que, en la medida que he tenido conciencia, he reivindicado los derechos políticos y territoriales de mi pueblo», dijo al inicio de su alocución.
El hijo del líder de la CAM —Héctor Llaitul— afirmó que se trata de una reivindicación “que no le gusta al Estado, que no le gusta a las instituciones, que no le gusta a los grupos económicos”. Además, indicó que “efectivamente, señor fiscal y señor querellante, pertenezco a la Coordinadora Arauco Malleco, a mucho honor y gloria, pero la Coordinadora Arauco Malleco es más que una organización. Es un planteamiento político, es un movimiento político. Son ideas, son familias, son niños, son ancianos, son comunidades”, agregó.
Además, Llaitul sostuvo que la lucha del pueblo mapuche no se detendrá, independientemente de lo que ocurra con los miembros de la CAM. “(Nosotros) quizás nos moriremos. Nos vamos a morir todos aquí, y la lucha va a continuar. La lucha de mi pueblo va a continuar”, enfatizó. “Nosotros nos retiraremos sin más pena ni gloria de esta vida, o quizás algunos con un poco más de gloria que otros, pero esta lucha va a continuar”, reiteró.
Por otro lado, aseguró ser inocente en la causa por la cual fue procesado. “En cuanto a lo que hoy me inculpan, yo no tengo participación en los delitos que se me imputan. Y el fiscal lo sabe”, dijo. En ese sentido, declaró que “si me quieren condenar, si quieren llevar adelante una condena política, por ser parte de un movimiento, por ser parte de la lucha de mi pueblo, háganlo. No tengo ningún problema en asumir si es que me quieren condenar, (pero) yo y mis compañeros no somos responsables de los delitos que se nos imputan”.
Desde la cárcel, en un texto manuscrito, el dirigente de la CAM, Héctor Llaitul Carrillanca, expresó que con esto «Quedó en evidencia una condena política al más alto nivel, que retrata cabalmente la forma como se desarrolla el conflicto en el Wallmapu histórico y tiene que ver con la responsabilidad de fondo que tiene la actual administración del Gobierno de Gabriel Boric que se puso decididamente y de forma contundente del lado de los poderosos, de la clase política dirigencial de esta zona, de la oligarquía que ha arremetido históricamente en contra de nuestro pueblo. Todo esto explica que los tribunales hayan actuado de forma racista y con sesgo fascista para determinar una condena no ajustada a derecho, sino que cediendo a la presión político empresarial. Condenaron sin pruebas, sin testimonios de ninguna naturaleza. Endosamos la responsabilidad de esta condena persecutoria al Gobierno actual que creó todas las condiciones jurídicas, políticas, represivas y de persecución en contra del movimiento autonomista mapuche y particularmente en contra de la CAM. Esta es una condena política a todas luces y frente a la cual hay que mantener el principio y la linea que siempre nos ha inspirado y ha conducido este proceso: que la lucha es territorial, es autonómica y confrontando con los intereses del gran capital que operan indiscriminadamente en contra de las comunidades. No hay justicia para el pueblo nación Mapuche que cautele sus derechos fundamentales —de territorio y autonomía— atento a que el Gobierno se encuentra subordinada a los poderosos de siempre».
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:: Siguiente >>

Bronx Peña Movement.2023.
A Criticism of the Left, Oh, and of the Social Movements: The fetish of the work ethic...,

The Journal celebrates 110 years of history honoring 19 Hispanics who inspire the community
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This celebration told stories of migration, talent and constancy. Credit: Jefferson Siegel Courtesy.
The Journal, the oldest Spanish-language newspaper in the United States, recognized this Friday the trajectory of 19 influential Hispanic men who have impacted from their different professional, creative, business and social service fields to the new generations.
Chile. Sergio Grez 4th Anniversary of October 18: We must prepare program and organization for new popular uprisings....,
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Mapuche nation. Reporter Rafael Nahuel's murder- 40-year democracy- Video.
By Latin American Summary on 20 October, 2023
Latin American Summary, October 20, 2023
"The dead always put them on," denounced Maria Nahuel, the aunt of Rota. . Picture: Télam
On November 25, 2017, Rafael Nahuel was only 22 years old and was shot dead in the back.
The bullet lead came out of a regulatory weapon from the Albatross Group of The Argentine Naval Prefecture in the midst of a violent eviction Operation in the Mapuche community Lafken Winkul Mapu, in Villa Mascardi, 25 kilometers from the city of San Carlos de Bariloche.
Full report video from the day of the murder, testimony, to these days where the trial for his murder is being held
topicality, political analysis, opinion, interviews and much more, along with
Alejandra Valle, Rodrigo Herrera and Hassan Akram.Today
: Entrevis... www.youtube.com |
Nation Mapuche. Thenunciation of the Women & Diversity Movement Indigenous people for Good Living.Participation in the 36 EncounterPlurinacionalFurilofche.
By Latin American Summary on 19 October, 2023
Latin American Summary, 19 October 2023
Pronunciation of the Movement of Indigenous Women and Diversity for Good Living, in the 36th Plurinational Meeting of Women, Lesbian, Travestis, Trans, Bisexual, Intersex and Non-By Binaries.
Like Women's Movement and Indigenous Diversitys for Good Living, We appreciate the welcome you to pu lamngen, sisters of Puelmapu, Mapuche ancestral territory and we also thank part of the organizing commission that could sustain itself in respect, accompaniment and to preserve awareness of plurinationality.
We decided.
accompany the Machi Betiana Colhuan maintaining the commitment made in
the St. Louis meeting, when he was imprisoned, along with 5 sisters and
Mapuche childhoods.
We call on women and diversities
from all territories to continue the resistance and
areas for autonomous political training to address the practices
and tremendously racist on the part of the commission
Furilofche organizer. The position of a multi-country meeting
that we raised and accompanied in Trelew 2018, was at that time received
and embraced with enormous joy for all and todes who attended the
cry from Plurinacional, ancestral memory, mainly for the
invisibility of indigenous women ' s voices and territories and the
trans transvestite community by the hegemony of white women.
During On the days of the Meeting in Furilofche, we became present at the workshop against the extractivisms where we witnessed the need for many assemblies and communities to stop the Terricides that They're killing us. In the afternoon we visit the Mapuche Yessica lamngen Bonnefoi Carriqueo Antimil, unjustly imprisoned without being able to see her 5 hives (one under 8 years). During this meeting she must have He was maternal in his territory. Racist justice continues Dismembering the Mapuche families. It hurts and it's unworthy to see that just a few blocks from the place that remains locked up, a meeting was held with more than 100,000 women and diversities without having organized any action to demand his release. To have missed the meeting for support Yessica, coupled with racist and violent acts reported for the Indigenous Sisters of the Third Malón de la Paz and the Machi Betiana Colhuan, shows the unwillingness to understand Plurinationality and the current colonial genocide.
We reaffirm the idea that never
Patriarchy will fall if colonial and racist practices continue in
Women's spaces and generic sex diversities.
As a Movement we demand the immediate release of the Lamngen Yessica Bonnefoi Carriqueo Antimil.
Sisters of the Third Malón de la Paz, with whom we walk the streets
Furyofche. I'll see you at Jujuy. -Jallala. Upstairs the fight, down the
reform. Freed hawhampu, Mariciwew.
Puelmapu "NaciónMapuche .SolidarityPlurinacional
Third BadlyDeLaPaz .JujuyResist

Interview with Eric Toussaint.
Cons about the abolition of debt at the World Bank and IMF meeting in Marrakech.

https://jacobinlat.com/![]() |
Chile. Miguel Enriquez lives in the struggle of every fighter of the people.
By Latin American Summary on 11 October, 2023
Latin American Summary, October 11, 2023.
Before a new anniversary of Miguel Enríquez's shooting, a 5th October 1974, the Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR) flower from the top of the Andes Range, its flags reddish, he stumbles the firm conviction that the historical processes of the proletariat, in its just struggle to deliver the yoke capitalist, develop and empower if they are driven by a The working-class vanguard who seriously panthes the taking of the power, accompanied by revolutionary theory and practice within the same of the masses of a poor, rebellious, insurgent, militarized and subversive.
01.- The MIR does not hide from the people its intentions of to fight through gun violence against the employers' class and its minions that support it from the repressive apparatus of the bourgeois state of class domination. Nor does the MIR hide from the people that their struggle is with a view to hope from socialism with seal in the class worker and communist society for our people and the world - The whole.
02.- MIGUEL ENRQUEZ (1974: MIR) IS EXAMPLE OF CONVICCITION, HEROSMO AND REVOLUTIONARY LUCHA like Camilo Torres (1966: ELN) and Manuel Marulanda (2008: FARC) in Colombia; Farabundo Martí (1932: CPS) and Marcial Cayetano Carpio (1983: FPL and FMLN) in El Salvador; Cesar Augusto Sandino (1934: EDSN) and Carlos Fonseca (1976: FSLN) in Nicaragua; Carlos Marighella (1969: ALN) in Brazil; Inti Peredo (1969: ELN) in Bolivia, Raúl Sendic (1989: MNL-T) in Uruguay; Roberto Santucho (1976: PRT-ERP) in Argentina; Lucio Cabañas (1974: PDLP) in Mexico; Luis de la Bridge (1965: MIR), Nestor Cerpa (1997: MRTA) and Abimael Guzman (2021: PCP-Sendero Luminoso) in Peru; Camilo Cienfuegos (1959: M-26 Julio, ER) and Fidel (2016: PCC) in Cuba, and Ernesto Guevara el CHE (1967: ELN) Internationalist fighter: THE DILA-CTIC DEVELOPMENT OF HISTORY WE MANIFIESA A EMPEDRADO CAMINO, WITH TRIUNFOS AND DERROTAS OF PROLETARIADO, How CICle OF OUR WE ARE HASTA THE FINAL VICTORIA.
03.- In Chile, Workers' Reformism and Social Democratic Sectors, from the Parliament and its bourgeois institutionality of Boric's government are part, spring and gear of the dispute over a new world order Interperialist. That's right, in that context of the class struggle, where the libertarian cry of our peoples is giant and retakes Incipiently its channel in the new processes that are coming for the Country.
04. From MEMORY AND RESISTANCE, with the example of the Mapuche village (Lautaro, Galvarino, Caupolican and Michimalonco), of the pro-independence patriots Manuel Rodriguez (1818) and José Miguel Carrera (1821), of the workers Antonio Ramón Ramón (1924: Anarchist), Luis Emilio Recabarren (1924: PC) and Clotario Blest (1990: Christian Revolutionary), the heroic President Salvador Allende (1973: PS), of Ronald brothers and Arturo Rivera Calderón, and Heriberto Salazar (1971: VOP Militants), Raul Pellegrin and Cecilia Magni (1988: Militants of FPMR-A) and Marco Ariel Antonioletti (1990: FRPL) greet us our PUEBLO HóROs; and above all, to whomever it was ours Secretary General at the MIR: Companion MIGUEL ENRQUEZ.
October / 2023 CHILE
Defend the Cuban Revolution x Ernest Mandel.
Zionism is also a tiger of
by SERGIO ORTIZ. 11 October 2023
The mundo was very surprised on the morning of October 7, when he received images and information from the operation Flood Al (other media translated it as Storm) of the Movement of Islamic Resistance Hamas, led by its military chief, Mohammad Deif, against the State of Israel. A rain of cheap missiles - Approximately 5,000 euros were shot from the Gaza Strip against Israeli towns and cities including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Hamas guerrillas toppled the wires of the border planted by the Zionist occupation force and passed from the The other side, taking illegal military posts and colonies.
So. They imposed a very important political-military defeat on Israel. The considered great regional military power, it was not able to foresee or He could refuse the guerrilla incursion. This one caused Israel 900 dead and 3,000 wounded, in addition to about 130 civilian and military hostages who were taken to the Gaza Strip. Major Israeli general was Take prisoner, Nimrod Aloni, commander of the occupying army Israeli responsible for the Gaza Strip. He was appointed commander of the Gaza division during the Battle of the Al-Quds Sword in 2020.
Immediately A world choir orchestrated by Zionism and imperialism unleashed Yankee and European condemning Hamas terrorism. They were thus telling. the history and reality, because they concealed the genocide perpetrated by the Zionist Israel who since May 1948 has been stealing territories Palestinians, perpetrating crimes against humanity in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem; bombing and invading, killing the civilian population including women and children; keeping 8 in prison a thousand prisoners and prisoners, in violation of numerous resolutions of United Nations and the Oslo bilateral agreements (1993 and 1995).
According to those agreements would have a regime of autonomy for five Years and then it would become an independent state. But none of Those points were fulfilled. In addition, Israel has blocked by land, air and Sea to the Gaza Strip since 2007, when Hamas won the elections there, with very harsh living conditions for the 2.3 million Palestinians living in a small territory, only 365 km2. And in West Bank, Palestinian National Authority barely retains a share of the territory because the Israeli armed forces command there, supported by large numbers of illegal colonies that increased until today there are 700,000 settlers, mostly Zionists and supremacists. He also built the 712-kilometre Apartheid Wall, where Pope Francis stopped and prayed in 2014. You can see his prayer It had no results because the infamous divide remained there, uninterrupted. In the West Bank and East Jerusalem there are house demolitions creation of new colonies and Zionist crimes, deaths Even journalists and the Palestinians' deprivation of water.
In Jerusalem doesn't even let Palestinians enter freely and Pray at Al Aqsa mosque, Islam's third holy site after from Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. That must be why Hamas, that He rules Gaza, and its armed wing the Ezzedine Al Qassam Brigades, They called the Al-Aqsa Flood to their offensive where they destroyed tanks Merkava and other armoured personnel, etc. Unfortunately in these operations there were Many dead Israeli civilians. That, being very painful, shouldn't obscure the Palestinian patriotic sense of the Al-Aqsa operation, long justified by the 75 years of Zionist crimes, from the Nakba or Catastrophe of 14 May 1948 - creation of the State of Israel - until the recent massacres of Benjamin Netanyahu and his Ultra-reactionary government. So far from 2023, until August, they had More than 200 Palestinians, including 38 children, were killed. Now all the figures have skyrocketed and the international means of disinformation They accuse Hamas only, hiding the truth of humiliation and extreme violence has been suffered by Palestinians since 1948. So much goes the pitcher to the fountain that finally breaks...
Netanyahu reacted like the fascist who is him and his super reactionary allies of the government: He considered that Israel was at war and resumed the Mass bombardments against Gaza. In the first 24 hours there were more than 300 Palestinians killed and 1,500 injured according to the Ministry of Health - Palestinian. These figures doubled in two days due to That criminal reaction. The multi-accused of corruption, for crimes of bribery, fraud and abuse of trust in three different scandals, He is passing his third term as prime minister, with 16 years in the - Power. Before these events, the worst period of his management was going through. because since last January there were popular demonstrations all the Weeks in repudiation of his anti-democratic judicial reform bill. For Israelis, that would not only turn that government into a dictatorship but also sought to fix its judicial situation in these corruption processes that come from 2019.
The Hamas military offensive and Al Qassam Brigades beat the first Likud party minister at his most vulnerable time. That's it. was predictable, but the striking, and it's the enormous merit of the Palestinian fighters, is that the Al-Aqsa operation was carried out without the sophisticated Israeli espionage apparatus of the Shin Bet and the service Intelligence of your Armed Forces, could detect the plan A guerrilla. Neither is the renowned system of defense, called "dome of Iron could prevent the successful Palestinian offensive by land and air.
A Netanyahu does not hurt so much the 900 dead of his country but, before, Everything, that the alleged inviolability of the state was ridiculous Zionist. Purges are coming in all those services and branches but also in the very composition of the government. The head Netanyahu can roll soon; if it takes a little time it's for no I offer it on a tray to Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas. It's a very painful defeat for "Bibi" and will have devastating consequences for your government, when the immediate wave of unity passes against a Islamic terrorism that is not such. It's the patriotic and violent response. in the face of so many years of genocide against the Palestinians during which The United Nations signed some papers without translating them into deeds. For Case, only in 2012 the UN accepted Palestine as an unfor-yes observer the right to vote, but has vetoed his entry as a full member, by Israel's decision (and the United States on the Security Council). United Nations has 193 member countries with the right to vote and Palestine must be the 194, but Zionism and imperialism have closed the door for him with lock.
The Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered a total siege of Gaza (...) electricity, no food, no water, no gas, all closed, we are fighting animals and acting accordingly. More beastly not It's got it. For him that all children and women inmate die in hospitals in Gaza with the light cut, without water or food.
Even the Palestinian National Authority of Mahmud Abbas, the rival of Hamas leader Haniyeh, or the struggle of Gaza:e the Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves against crimes and Israeli rapes committed at the Al-Aqsa mosque and in the Palestinian territories.
Like 900 Israelis were said to have been killed and 2,600 injured, According to an Army publication. On the Palestinian side, 687 people They were killed by Israeli shelling in Gaza and 2,900 were injured. Like clashes do not cease, such numbers are out of date to each It's time.
twitter: Sorortizpl

Palestine. Hamas says it has enough Israeli captives to release all Palestinian prisoners.
By Latin American Summary on 7 October, 2023Summary of the Middle East, 7 October 2023.
The top Hamas leader has said the group had captured Israeli soldiers during an unprecedented attack on Israel to release all the Palestinian prisoners in their prisons. Did we get to kill and capture Many Israeli soldiers. Fighting continues, he told Al on Saturday Jazeera Saleh al-Arouri, deputy head of Hamas' political bureau.
The freedom of our detainees in [Israeli] prisons charges Great importance. What we have in our hands will free everyone Our prisoners. The longer the fighting lasts, the greater the number of prisoners, added al-Arouri, who said that among the There were senior officers, but he did not provide any - What's the point?
According to the latest figures from Addameer, an NGO that defends the rights of prisoners, about 5,200 Palestinians are in Israeli prisons, including 33 women, 170 minors and more than 1,200 in administrative detention. The Israeli army has acknowledged that They have killed soldiers and commanders and taken prisoners of war. He hasn't given figures.
Hamas, the group leading the besieged Gaza Strip, launched the Saturday's biggest operation against Israel in years, killing dozens of People and injuring hundreds after fighters crossed into Israel under a barrage of rockets fired from Gaza. Meanwhile, Hamas social media accounts posted Images of what was said to be Israeli captives taken alive to the Gaza Strip.
The surprise operation from Gaza took place immediately after the killing of four Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, attacks widespread Israeli settlers, especially in Huwara, near Nablus, and the rising tensions in the mosque compound of Al-Aqsa in the occupied East Jerusalem.
As observers pointed out that a ground invasion by Part of Israel could be imminent, Hamas says it is ready to Worst of the cases. All scenarios are now possible and "We are ready for a [Israeli] ground invasion," he added. Al-Arouri He also said Israel had been planning to launch an attack on Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that your country is at war, while Palestinian officials say that ending the Israeli occupation of its territory is the only Guarantee of - security, stability and peace in the region. In the meantime, The U.S. said it will work to ensure that Israel has it you need to defend yourself and the United Kingdom, the EU and Ukraine have Hamas operation in Israel condemned.
source: Al Jazeera
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Bronx Peña Movement.2023.
Bronx Peña Movement.2023. 
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdidQm2-jic
The Large mass rallies and marches in Chicago against the U.S. Government-backed Israeli genocidal attacks on Palestinians continue, With another to be held Saturday at 1 in Michigan and Ida B. Wells Drive.
Yesterday a group from the U.S. Palestinian Community Network and supporters, From Jewish Voice for Peace, sat in at the House of Representatives Jan Schakowskys office in Skokie demanding that she Sign in a Resolution demanding an Israeli fire.
The Resolution demands the Biden Administration stand for a fire-by-fire Israel against the Palestinians of Gaza and facilitates in What's the time? (BUSHCEASEFIRENOWOLUTION (house.gov) This has been signed on to by local Representatives Delia Ramirez, Jesus Chuy, Garcia, and Jonathan Jackson.
Outside of the Chicago area, millions of people throughout the world have risen In protest of the atrocities, war crimes Israel is committing in Gaza. They demand an end to this and U.S. government aid to Israel. They are The green light the U.S. is giving for the Israeli war crimes For creating the diversion of Israel's alleged right to self-defense, ace if war crimes and genocide can be justified in the name of self-defense. That this is the equivalent of the Palestinian Resistance to occupation and massacres and self-defense of itself.
Thousands of Tunisians rallied near the French embassy in Tunisia, call on The country to immediately expel the French ambassador due to France's unequivocal support for the crimes of Israel and Frances ban of In support of Palestinians.
In Amman, Jordan, hundreds of protesters to storm the Israeli embassy, setting fire to the walls and the gates near the entrance. Jordann security forces clashed with protesters, and threw teargas Canisters, in a desperate attempt at dispersing them.
In Turkey, protesters also gathered near the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul, on October 17. More than 60 people were injured, most of them Police officers, as police used to disperse the protest.
(Reportage and photos from TML Monthly Supplement (cpcml.ca))

Defiant demonstration in Ramallah, Palestine condemns Israeli aggression, October 18, 2023
at Mamdani Hospital in Gaza, October 18, 2023


Kafr el Sheikh, Gaza, October 18, 2023
Rafah border crossing, Gaza, prayers for those massacred by Israel, October 18, 2023
Hebron, October 17, 2023




Ramallah, October 18, 2023

Nablus, October 18, 2023
Bethlehem, October 18, 2023
Beirut, Lebanon
Amman, Jordan.
Idlib, Syria
Ankara, T.rkiye
Rabat, Morocco
Lenasia, South Africa
Seoul, Korea
Sydney, Australia





Madrid, Spain

Frankfurt, Germany
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Glasgow, Scotland
Belfast, Ireland
Havana, Cuba
Bogota, Colombia
Seattle, WA
San Jose, CA
Dallas, TX
Austin, TX

Dearborn, MY
Louisville, KY
Lancaster, PA
Raleigh, NC
New York City, NY
Ithaca, NY

Washington, DC


Orlando, FL





In Ottawa, thousands of demonstrators rallied outside the Prime Minister's Office, then marched to the Israeli Embassy. Thousands also rallied at The Israeli consulates in downtown Toronto. More than 1,000 people Leave outside the U.S. consulates in downtown Montreal to call on the U.S. government to stop Israel giving a green light to commit the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and to stop sending financial support and What about the Israeli military?
Ottawa, ON


Emergency rally after Israeli bombing of Gaza hospital, October 17, 2023
Halifax, NS
Montreal, QC
Barrie, ON
Toronto, ON

Hamilton, ON
Windsor, ON
Edmonton, AB
Calgary, AB
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P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
The full video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/pgfnO5Q7Q8U

A 61-minute joint China-U.S. production, written and directed by Chinese-American community activist Lee Siu Hin; a new documentary based on our two books - Capital on a Ventilator and .SANCTIONS: A Wrecking ball in a Global Economy. A production of China-US Solidarity Network, with AiXSiXiang from China and International Action Center from U.S.
The Stage Sarah Flounders, Margaret Flowers and Lee Siu Hin on U.S. failure to fight against the pandemic, how U.S.-led vaccine imperialism and sanctions had blocked the life-saving vaccines to More people around the World. When Capital on a Ventilator was Published in September 2020, it was immediately banned by the American online retailer Amazon; it wasn't until March 2021 that after the Chinese media reported the censorship, Amazon backed-off and put the back book to its site within 24 hours.
In The film included different authors from the "Sanctions" Book, to discuss the negative impact of US sanctions on different In the world, they criticize the U.S.-led Western power How about more than 40 countries with one-third of the population around the world, resulting in a serious global humanitarian Crisis. And activists demand we can learn from China's successful fight against the COVID, and their vaccine diplomacy, international He said he had benefited hundreds of millions of people across the World.
Official Website: www.VaccineAndSanctions.org
Lee Siu Hin Journey to China 2022: My China Activism Factfinding & Solidarity Working Trip
This new documentary, now in progress, captures the concerns of ordinary People in the most powerful countries in human history. Interviews and footage from China and the U.S. cover ethnic issues, racism, social and economic justice.
VOICE XJ confronts the elephant in the room: the relentless propaganda from The U.S. government of human rights abuses in Xinjiang.
VOICE XJ takes the audience to Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang region, and The truth, while exposing the dangerous lies behind the U.S. military threats and sanctions.
Witness the creative use of internet video chats and on site footage to What social justice activists saw and heard from the U.S. to China's Xinjiang, This is a rough cut of a film using interviews by ordinary people in both countries to compare issues of systemic racism, and social and economic justice.
5) 12/6-12/15 2022 Sanctions A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy - December 2022 National Speaking Tour
National speaking tour to release their new book "Sanctions: A Wrecking
Ball in a Global Economy" included China-US Solidarity Network.
P.O. Box 751,
(All donations are tax deductible)
National Coordinator
Peace NO War Network http://www..PeaceNOWar.net
Activist Video Service http://www.ActivistVideo.org
China-US Solidarity Network
e-mail: ActivistWeb@gmail.com
Tel: (626)394-0710
"Running to Stand Still- Migrants Search For Hope In The Promised Land" - "Running To Stand Still" comes at a time when concerns about immigration are front and center. Millions of people around the world are on the move, displaced from their homes by powerful forces including gang violence, climate change, and war.
Silvia Federici:"Capitalism annihilates and disciplines women" x Laia Forné / Silvia Federici.


Chile Archivehttps://www.archivochile.com . . . . .
Video about the fall and murder of Revolutionary Arnoldo Camu .JEFE DEL ELN CHILENO, 24 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1973.
Chile. MIR Communiqué 50 years after the Civic-Military coup
6 NOVEMBER 2023.


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About the elections in Argentina and the candidacy of Milei X Mario Del Rosal, Javier Murillo.

García Linera: "There is always a progressive exit" X Iván Schuliaquer.


Why is the West so hypocritical about India? X Marc Vandepitte.


NATO, the genocide of Palestinians and the globalization of the X-War Isabella Arria, Aram Aharonian.
The U.S. lives a record year of strikes

Osasuna shiners stand in solidarity with Gaza in match with Granada X HispanTV / La Haine

Against the cult of work (IV) X Alfredo Apilánez.

October 22, 2023: New Anniversary of the Murder of Che x Nestor Kohan - La Haine.

Revolutionary Theory and Practice ()
Fifty years ago, on Sept. 11, 1973, the generals and admirals in the Chilean armed forces led a coup against the elected Popular Unity government. They've died President [...]6 No.20236 No.2023Home Blog.by elirreverenteHome Blog
He eats books: Valparaiso fires Mauricio Torres Moyano, Amanate the books and collective struggles.
by elirreverente -Known as the eater, originally from Santiago, he began reading at the age of 4, a lover of reading he felt that this was the...Companions and comrades from the Valparaiso region kidnapped and detained missing in Operation Colombo, they return symbolically to life and march through the streets of the port
by elirreverente -Guillermo Correa Camiroaga, Valparaíso 11 August 2023 The Human Rights Work Table of Valparaiso held a mobilization today Friday, August 11, in...
6 No.2023
By Nicolas Sepúlveda and Benjamin Miranda
Al al Finality of the dictatorship, Marco Antonio Pinochet did business with Focus Chile and both he and his brother Augustus appear in the accounts of That company. Judicial documents and official records of Colombia, Canada, the United States, Panama and Spain, show that this company was controlled by Colombian drug traffickers, by the main trafficker of of Canada and by a representative of Mohamed Khashoggi, son the biggest arms dealer of those years. The lawyer Ambrosio Rodriguez, adviser to Augusto Pinochet and Lucia Hiriart, was appointed Arbitrator by Focus's partners when they were already in the sight of the justice of several countries. The corporate mesh of the business, initiated in Panama with bearer shares, was constituted by Héctor Novoa Vasquez, brother of Pinochet's undersecretary of government, Jovino Novoa.


The business, property and convictions of traffickers linked to the Pinochet Hiriart
The connection between Peruvian narcos, a former DINA agent and a legal study of close to Pinochet.
The Admiral Merino's team that designed the closure of the dictatorship: assured that the military would retain the principle of authority over of the
Pinochet, the great brother: the espionage and intervention of the DINA and CNI in lycées, companies, courts and public services
Reserved documents showing how the DINA controlled the limits that the judiciary could not cross

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Modifying the structural causes of Cuban migration is in the hands of the US authorities
Speech delivered by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, at the Summit of Heads of State and Government on migration, Palenque Meeting: for a Neighborhood fraternal and well-being, in Chiapas, Mexico, on October 22, 2023, Year 65 of the Revolution.
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